After quite a survey by mama n papa, we decided to buy Sara a new tricycle for her upcoming 1st birthday.
Seems her birthday is just around the corner, for about a month n half to go, n Sara showed excitement when she saw tricycle at we bought her this, and she loves to ride it very much!
this is IT!!! |
This tricycle has several children musics when we press the 6 buttons on it, and Sara enjoys the musics very much....sambil angguk2 kepala...kelakar habis!
Tapi Sara mmg syokla sbb all she needs to do is just sitting on it n mama/papa tolak keliling rumah. Heheh bertambah la senaman kaki utk mama n papa!
After all, Sara still loves to go up and down the stairs! ohhh my baby.....xboleh jalan lg dh pndai panjat tangga...nti da boleh jalan??? fuuhhh...mama needs more energy now!huuuu...
Apepun, mama lah org PALING HAPPY tgk perkembangan Sara 24hours per day, 7days per weeks! n I'll never give up on her! She's the BEST THING that ever happen to me! I'll do my best to make her happy, and healthy...=)
COUNTING THE DAYS............10 DEC 2012.............:)
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